Starting tonight with a server and client side forced update, everything Christmas is coming to Rust and there are some pretty cool things set to launch with the update at around 7PM GMT.

New for 2022 Christmas event are "Gingerbread Mines" that will spawn around the map, apparently there should be about 12 per standard size map, they are similar to the dungeons we had for Halloween, but appear much more festive!
To access thee mines you will find a small gingerbread house on the surface of the map, simply enter the house then go through the door inside to be teleported to the mine.

Once in the mine players can expect to find some loot and someone or should I say something protecting its loot, standby to face down the total terror that is "The Gingerbread People" these tasty morsels are armed with candy canes and occasionally an MP5, gun these Gingerbread gangsters down and be rewarded with some scientist type loot and seasonal goodies such and wrapped gifts, snowball guns and snowballs.

Christmas in rust this year will see some of the server monuments decorated with a festive theme your you all to enjoy, in particular you will find festive updates to Fishing Villages, Bandit Camp and the Scientist Compound.

As with every event there will also be some items that will be available to purchase on the item store once the update goes live, so far we have seen an "Ice Throne" and "Ice Metal Face Mask and Breastplate.
We will also get the standard gifts spawning around each player from time to time, Santa and his Sleigh dropping of the sparkling present instead of the c130 airdrop.
Christmas stockings should be hung up once found as they will spawn gifts once every 24 hours, Other Christmas will see the return of Ice Walls, Sleds, Snowball Guns, Lights, Snow Machines, Snowmen and more.
Don't forget to craft you Advent Calendar which will reward you each day with a cool gift too!