I have today finished updating the welcome panel to the server which not only looks cleaner, but also incorporates loads of new functionality.
Firstly the home page is much cleaner and easier to read, information is precise and informative, and it will always include information about the current update of rust that is being used.
On the right hand side of the panel you will notice icons that when clicked upon open up links that can be copied for both the website and the discord channel.
To the left of the panel are all the page tabs and the close button, when joining the server players will be presented with the welcome panel, and if you wish to view it again whilst in game you simply use the command /info.
Each of the tabs open the following pages:
RULES - Pretty self explanatory, here you can read the server rules, every player joining should read these and familiarise themselves with them.

This panel displays quite clearly when the server map and blueprints wipe and automatically updates, counting down the days until the next wipe, you can also access this information in game by using the command /wipe.

Each day players can claim a daily reward, there is a random selection of items and you can choose one from the selection shown, again this can be accessed in game by using the command /daily.

This tab opens a list of all the server kits that you have permission to access, their costs (if any) and the cooldown timer on each of them, once again you can access these kits in game with the command /kit

This is a totally new element added to the server, this is the servers in game shop, here you can buy and sell almost every item, introduced alongside this is the fact that the server also now has an economy system, players earn money by simply playing the server with every action conducted in game, players will earn cash rewards, to see a full list of the rewards in game use the command /rr.
Players balance is displayed both on the shop front and can be seen in game with the command /balance.
To sell an item you have in your inventory simply find the corresponding item in the shop, you will notice a small arrow icon appear in the top left of that item, this means you can sell it back to the shop, if there is no arrows it means this item cannot be sold, or you do not have an equivalent item in your inventory, then just simply click on the sell button.

You will notice that I have removed stats from the welcome panel, instead these can be opened in game with the command /stats.
Finally it is my intention to wipe money accounts, stats, skill points (but not skills learnt already),blueprints and the map in conjunction with the Rust forced update from Facepunch that happens on the first Thursday of each month at around 19:00 CET.