This month see's one heck of a huge quality of life update, (read below for a full list of updates and fixes) Rust's 9th Birthday on the 11th where you will find a birthday cake instead of a rock when you spawn, party hats and balloons floating over junk piles around the map.
Around mid December we should see the Rust Xmas Event starting which is looking good for the return of the tried and tested Xmas shenanigans and possibly some new ones.

Progression balance
Reduced underwater labs on the map from 3 to 1
Ensure the 1 lab which spawns is as large as possible
Increased Oilrigs reset timers
Cargo ship events less frequent
Heli crate loot tweaks:
Removed single MLRS rocket, now has a chance to spawn within the rocket ammo collection instead
Removed chance of 1 low-end attachment loot spawn
Reduced the chance of lower tier weapon spawns
Removed the chance of getting a single laptop/cctv, adjusted loot chances
Removed stone spear from elite / hackable crates
Initial pass on switching quarries and pumpjacks to diesel fuel, adjusted output and production rates - all values subject to change
Added diesel spawns at water treatment plant, power plant, military tunnels, junkyard, airfield
Storage increases
Hot Air Balloon storage increase 12 -> 18
Boat storage increase 12 -> 18
RHIB storage increase 30 -> 36
Submarine storage increase 12 -> 18
Removed car parts spawns from non vehicle junkpile spawns
Armoured door & double door hp buffed from 800 to 1000 (Was 2 C4 to blow through, now it’s 3 C4)
External walls and gates now have debris blockers which prevent spamming down new items (last for 120 seconds and have 300 health - so can be destroyed sooner with a jackhammer)
Despawn time of many items upped to 60 minutes
Explosives 20 -> 60
Aiming module 5 -> 60
MLRS rocket 40 -> 60
HE grenades 5 -> 60
Rockets 40 -> 60
Sam site 5 -> 60
Bean can 20 -> 40
Grenade launcher 5 -> 60
Fixed ability to hit wall in weak spot when a floor or stairs is in the way
Prevent hitting weak spot of the exposed side of a wall when a roof is attached to it (regressed when fixing wall weak spot being blocked by floors)
General QoL
Updated T3 workbench deploy guide (now uses complete model)
Updated stone gate deploy guide (now includes rotated doors to indicate open direction)
External walls and gates can now be rotated 90° instead of 180° before deployment
Removed condition from most electrical entities so they stack easily when picked up (doesn't apply to batteries, solar panels, windmills, turrets, etc)
Garage door no longer requires a hammer to be equipped to be picked up, still requires building auth and lock removed - In line with other doors
Reduced the crafting time for all grenades
Reduced the crafting time for embrasures
Rowboat now dismounts the player if it's inverted, even if not clipping into anything. Don't allow initially mounting a boat if it's flipped
Allow rotation of roofs blocks before placement
Keep authorize UI open when authorizing players on a turret
Changed building blocked message to tell the player when they are trying to build on a building they don't own the TC on
Added new wire colours (light blue, orange, pink, purple, white)
Added ability to recolour existing wires in world by pressing "R" on input / output of wire, will apply selected colour
Tweaked clone icons to more clearly show berry colour
Can right click armour into locker and have it go to first free row (will not go into a row if it conflicts with other armour in the row)
Show "X days" of upkeep after 72 hours (rather than > 72 hrs)
Add radial option to Harvest/Clone/Clear all plants in a planter. Will apply that action to all valid plants in the planter eg, if 2 out of 9 plants are harvestable using Harvest All will only affect those 2 plants. The option will only appear if at least one other plant in the planter is at the same stage as the plant being looked at
Removed un-harvestable tree entities from giant excavator scene
Add a different, slightly darker material to the Hemp ripe stage so it looks different to Fruiting
Made custom icons for each type of berry clone to better differentiate each color
The flashlight held entity can now be toggled on/off (uses light toggle key like light attachment)
Sam site can passthrough power (use it to detect destroyed sam sites not power multiple)
Stone spear is cheaper to craft. Reduce stone spear crafting time
Removed chair static from Tunnel Dwelling E - Fixes chairs leaking to world origin
Miners hat now offers better protection values
Don't allow Mission Points to drop to ground until the server has finished loading, this should prevent mission objectives being placed under the ground during the treasure hunt mission
Extend trumpet MIDI range (now A#2 to F#6)
Extend Xylophone MIDI range (now C4 to C7)
Added server.netprotocol convar that prints the server protocol tag (rak for raknet or sw for steamworks)
Added optional argument "unlockall <userid>" to specify target player
Fixed patrol heli getting stuck in fishing village on certain seeds
Patrol heli & Ch47 won't patrol randomly to safe zone monuments
Fix doorways, door frames & windows snapping to the floor rather than the top of walls when building jump ups. Also allows floors to connect to the middle of the above blocks (but provide no stability)
Fix right clicking into repair bench not swapping items
Fixed gap allowing LOS access in coaling tower exit corridor
Fix button so it passes through full power for 0.5s when connected in passthrough mode
Molotov can no longer be thrown or dropped if the player is underwater
Molotov thrown into water will no longer briefly spawn flames
Bean can grenades can no longer be thrown or dropped underwater
Bean can grenades that hit water will now immediately become duds (this won't apply when thrown by NPC's)
Can no longer throw or drop smoke grenades underwater (they already deleted themselves when touching water)
Fix bouncing off wall frames when climbing up & down netting by adding "block player movement" colliderFix bouncing off wall frames when climbing up & down netting by adding "block player movement" collider
Fixed getting stuck on the top of netting placed in wall frames
Fixed player name label not showing when obscured by snowman headwear, pumpkin headwear, nomad suit backpack, arctic suit backpack etc
Fixed progress bar being stuck on output items when switching between large and small furnace
Fix crude oil having cooking icon stuck on when removed from refinery
Fixed baseball bat available in loot tables
Fixed deploy offset of press button so it can be placed near the floor
Fix streamed radio audio looping incorrectly if the players performance drops below 10fps
Fixed UI resolution scaling so it's readable at 4k
Fixed shopfront exploit & it being a little broke
Fixed not being able to drag non-cassette items onto the portable boom box
Fixed drum sticks floating in air after dismounting drumkit (probably affected xylophone as well)