So it looks like we are heading towards quite a bit air based update come the 7th.
Rust have confirmed that the following items/updates will be included in the monthly update on September the 7th.

Homing Missile Launcher.
Yep with the advent of the player flyable Attack Helicopter that will be coming in this update also, the nice chaps at Face Punch have helped us players to level the playing field a little with the newest type of rocket/missile, a Homing Missile, which can be fired from Homing Missile Launcher, when using it you have to track your target before the missile "Locks On" before you can fire it, the launcher carries one missile at a time, just like the rocket launcher, you can use this for shooting down the NPC helicopter also.
The launcher can be crafted with 15 HQM, 4 Metal pipes, 1 Teck trash, 1 CCTV camera, you can also research it, and need a Tier 2 workbench to craft it.

Attack Helicopter.
By now you have all probably had a play with the new attack helicopter over on staging branch, if you haven't I can assure you its a nimble little thing and great fun to fly, front passenger controls the weapons, a gun mounted under the nose is controlled via a heads up display screen, along with the rockets, when being flown by a solo player they can fire rockets but not the gun.

Parachutes will be arriving to help save all those players who find themselves in mid air for one reason or another, players will be able to equip parachutes into a new inventory slot, you will be able to find these in boxes around the map, and purchase them from air wolf shop.
To deploy your parachute hit the spacebar and steer using WASD, you can shoot whilst coming down but wont be able to steer whilst shooting, when you land you have to repack you parachute. Beware they can take damage, and become hard to control and make you fall faster, so be careful of what's below you, your chute is vulnerable to gunfire.

Armoured Hot Air Balloons.
Continuing with the air/flying theme of this update, balloons have been given some love in the form of armoured plating that can be applied to the balloon, making them a more viable and safer method of flying around, balloonists may now stand a better chance when pitted up against other flying attackers. You can purchase the new balloons from bandit camp for 150 Scrap, or craft them with 200 metal frags! no cloth or tarps, just metal frags, oh well, they cost 75 scrap to research and you need a Lvl 1 workbench to do this. the armour can only be added before you inflate the balloon so have equip it before taking off, it can also be repaired with your hammer.
Other Stuff.
There has also been some work with flares, it looks like they will be used when flying helicopters, both hand held and with the heli shooting them out, I suspect these will be used as decoy flares to try and counter homing missiles.