Looking at the system briefly and without diving too deeply into it, at first glance it looks intuitive, very similar in laying electrical wires or hose pipes currently in rust, and with the addition of the test generator to our loot tables on UK Rust it should be relatively easy to get some automation up and running.
What’s Included?

Industrial Conveyor – The industrial conveyor is at the centre of the industrial system, using this you can move things around your base and filter items to move to various locations.

Industrial Crafting – A big part of the update is the fact that you can now get the system to automate crafting, using an Industrial Crafter, place one of these on a workbench place a
blueprint in it for the item you want to craft, and as components arrive at the crafter they will be automatically crafted then moved off to your desired location, how simple is that!, you literally could simply be passing items into a drop box, and they automatically being sent to the crafter and then into the chest all without you needing to be present.

Industrial Smelting – Im looking forward to this one, no more giant bases to house furnaces, a small simple electrically powered furnace, you have your resources plop into this and off it goes smelting everything as it arrives, not sure how you are going to get charcoal though as
this runs on electricity and im not sure it will just burn wood if its put in it at the moment, we shall have to wait and see, an alternative is using the skill tree to get the buff for charcoal being given every time you chop a tree down.

Pipe Tool – Obviously you are going to need a tool to connect all the pipes between all these items and the cupboards and boxes you keep things in, so like the wire tool, and hose tool, there is a new pipe tool that you will use to connect your items.

Storage Adaptor – Next new item is the Storage Adaptor, this is the item that you connect to your storage containers to allow items to be input and output from your storage container or deployed object, currently they can be deployed on the following:
· Large Wood Box
· Drop Box
· Wood Storage Box
· Fridge
· Furnace
· Locker
· Large Furnace
· Vending Machine
· Electric Furnace
· Small Oil Refinery
· Tool Cupboard
· Coffin

Industrial Splitter – This does exactly what you would expect it to do, it allows you to split an output pipe into three others like the water splitter and electrical splitter box.

Industrial Combiner – Again this performs the same task and its water and electrical counterparts already in rust.
And that’s the lot for now, we are hoping this will all go live in February and that is all works nicely on launch, we look forward to seeing you all getting to grips with it when its live, and if you come up with something really cool, then why not share it with us, become a member of this site and send us pictures and an explanation of your build and we can feature it here on the blog pages.
Old Rusty.