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Server plugins

UK RUST uses a wide variety of plugins designed to enhance players experience, some are there to simply give players a better quality of life, and others are specifically designed to add additional content and playability no matter how many players are on the server.


Below is a description of all the plugins we use on UKRUST, including a list of commands and how to use them in game.

Skill Tree By imthenewguy

This plugin adds a character progression system in the form of a levelling and skill tree system.


Players gain xp by cutting trees, mining rocks, killing NPCs etc, and are rewarded with skill points when they level up. 


To access the Skill Tree use the command /st

My Mini Copter by RFC1920

Every player can spawn their own mini copter for free, it wont decay, and if you leave it somewhere you can summon it back to you.


/mymini - Spawn a mini copter
- Despawn mini copter


Server donators can unlock additional features including no cooldown on obtaining minicopter, ability to hover your mini without any input from the pilot and finally being able to fly your minicopter with only 1 fuel requirement.


Daily Rewards by David

Daily Rewards is simple plugin which provides random daily rewards for players.

Rewards are obtained via the Welcome Panel rewards tab.

To open the info panel do /info in game


Raidiable Bases By Nivex

A premium version of the popular plugin radiable bases, with five different difficulties and associated loot levels.


Radiable Bases spawns a total of 5 bases around the map all with their own loot tables and NPC's that can be raided by players in game, however as I am using the Premium Version of Radiable Bases this gives the server 5 difficulty levels instead of the single one in the free version, It also gives players the ability buy a radiable base of any difficulty, using in game economy as payment.



/buyraid - buys an additional raid.
/rb - for players to see the ladder
/rb ui [lockouts|status] - toggle ui on/off


Absolut Sorter By k1lly0u

Absolut Sorter gives server donators the ability to setup storage containers with configurable items and item categories via a in-inventory UI then with the click of a button sort and dump all the items from the players inventory in to the designated containers.


Sorting Modes.

This - Will move items from your inventory to the box if items match the set parameters of the box.
Nearby - Will move items from your inventory to boxes within radius if items match set parameters of boxes.
Arrange Box - Will arrange all items in the box with the selected categories/items listed first.
Dump All - Empty your inventory into the box regardless of the accepted items.
Loot All - Empty the box into your inventory.


- Show help text with information on how to use the plugin. (edited) (edited)



Plane CrashBy k1lly0u

Randomly a Cargo Plane will approach rust island with a possible engine problem, if it crashes loot will spread around the crash site for you to find, Be careful though it will be protected.


Skin Box By k1lly0u

SkinBox allows server donators to change the skin of any skinable item they place in the UI skinbox, it also allows players to save favourite skin sets
When a item has been placed in the box it will be populated with the available skins.
The user can then drag out the skin they want.


/skinbox | /sb to open the UI.
/skindeployed | /sd  whilst looking at a deployed item, choose your skin then just right click to skin a deployed item i.e. Doors, boxes and lockers etc.

/skinset | /ss Opens the skin set box

Train Heist By k1lly0u

A event where a train with scientists drives around either the above or below ground  rail ring. Upon spawn players will be notified of its presence, Players will need to attack the train  and secure the loot.


Kits By k1lly0u

Players have access to a number of helpful item kits that will help them out when starting in the server, there is also a bonus kit for those that register on our discord server.



/kit - Open the kit UI.

NTeleportation By Nivex


NTeleportation not only allows players to teleport to one and another, but also allows them to set home spawn points and teleport to Outpost and Bandit Camp easily.


Players are able to set a maximum of 3 homes on the server (server donators are able to set more homes), they can be on any floor of a TC controlled base, you are also able to tp to other players, and tp to the Bandit Camp and Outpost directly.


/home add NAME
- Saves your current position as the location NAME. (alias sethome).
/home list - Shows you a list of all the locations you have saved. (alias listhomes).
/home remove NAME - Removes the location NAME from your saved homes. (alias removehome).
/home NAME - Teleports you to the home location.
/tpr NAME OF PLAYER - Sends a teleport request to the player.
/tpa - Accepts an incoming teleport request.
/tpc - Cancels teleport or request.
/outpost - Teleports you to Outpost",
/bandit - Teleports yourself to Bandit Town.
/tpinfo - Shows limits & cooldowns.

Water Bases by Nikedemos

Water Bases allows players with appropriate permissions to build structures on the surface of the water and even expand them underwater! – in a natural, vanilla-like way.



This plugin allows players with appropriate permissions to build structures on the surface of the water – and even expand them underwater! – in a natural, vanilla-like way. No need for those tall, unstable pillars that have to reach the sea floor, just deploy your foundation on the water and expand it with building plan/hammer!  Aquatic buildings follow all the rules of normal bases on the server including stability/upkeep/decay – but also contain some unique features, like underwater nettings for collecting random junk items, and some new and interesting building techniques.


Quick Start Guide

Before you can build on water, you need some Water Foundations. Water foundations are re-skinned Inner Tube items,  By default, all players will be able to craft, deploy, expand and reinforce water foundations. 

When a player equips a Building Plan, a small GUI will show in the bottom right. There, players will be able to craft deployable water foundations – both square and triangle.

Those crafted items will also be consumed when players expand their already deployed foundations or reinforce them.


Deploying a starter foundation on water

Go out to the lake/ocean, select the water foundation as your active item and using the doughnut-shaped guide, deploy it on the water surface.

After trying to deploy/expand upon an existing water foundation, a couple of checks will be performed according to global config and individual permission profile for that player:
Does the player have permission to deploy the first foundation/expand existing one?
Is the player building blocked?
How far is the player trying to build from shore (based on the map topology)? Too close/too far?
How deep is the water where the player is trying to build? Is it too deep/too shallow?
Is the player trying to build too close to the path of cargo/Oil Rig?
Is the player allowed to have this many water foundations in the building?
If all the checks have been successful, a new twig floor, with a stability 100% (like normal foundations) will be built. It will have some indestructible floatation barrels attached to it, partially covering the water foundation’s soft side (the bottom). Then, a water foundation can be expanded, upgraded, protected with a Tool Cupboard (like any other buildings, really), or reinforced.


Once you’ve deployed your first “starter” water foundation, all the subsequent foundations will be placed using vanilla building mechanics – just take a building plan and build some floors neighbouring your water foundation on the sides! If you have enough water foundation items of the required kind in your inventory, those newly placed floors will also turn into water foundations. And they can call be demolished/upgraded, just like normal twig structures, as soon as you place a Tool Cupboard.

Expanding a single-sided water foundation requires 1 proper water foundation item, expanding a double sided water foundation (reinforced one) requires two.

Reinforcing a water foundation means making it double sided – so it fully covers the soft side AND gives you the ability to build from the surface down, to the seabed/lakebed! To reinforce, make sure a built water foundation is fully repaired, and them hit it with a hammer. If you have a required water foundation item in your inventory, it will be consumed and the foundation will be reinforced: you will see another floor with floatation barrels attached upside down.

If you try to expand a reinforced foundation (by attaching a floor at the bottom, reinforced side) and there’s no water foundation above it (normal orientation), it will try to create one, provided you have enough items in your inventory.

Reinforcements (upside down water foundations) are always associated with the water foundation they’re attached to and cannot exist on their own – if you destroy the water foundation, its reinforcement will be destroyed too. However, destroying the reinforcement will not destroy is water foundation. 

Upgrading base structures
Building blocks inside your water bases have certain tier limits associated with them – it’s to help balance things out. By default, non admin players will be able to upgrade water foundations to sheet metal tier, floors and everything else (including walls, floors and reinforcement foundations) to metal tier also. 

Water base exclusive features
Because water foundations are treated as floors with the stability of a foundation, you can place roofs at “ground level”, which is not possible with normal foundations!
Similarly, you can leave a “hole” where a water foundation would be and place a floor frame with a hatch instead – now you can enter your base from the bottom, underwater!
Reinforcing a water foundation means you’ll be able to build down from the surface to the bottom of the water to create extra layers of protection, or…
Nettings deployed in wall frames underwater will collect random junk items .
But also Sharks!


Server donators are able to upgrade their water bases through various tiers.


Remover Tool By Arainrr

Don't you just hate it when you want to make a change to your base building, with this plugin you can make changes no matter how long ago you placed it.



/remove - Enable/Disable Remover Tool
/remove [time] (seconds) - Enable/Disable Remover Tool for specified amount of time.
/remove help | h - View help


Trade By Calytic

This plugin allows player to trade items safely from a distance, simply drag items from your inventory into the trade panel.


/trade "partial or full player name" -
Send a trade request to specified player.
/trade accept - Accept the most recent trade request.


Blueprint Share By ccreep

Blueprint Share allows players to share researched blueprints with your clan members, team members or friends. The sharing works for both online and sleeping members. You can toggle sharing off at any time if you want to keep a blueprint for yourself.



/bs help - Displays help message
/bs toggle - Toggles the sharing of blueprints
/bs share <player> - Shares all of your blueprints with the target player
/bs show <sharetype> [friendName] - Shows all the blueprints you have been shared in order of blueprint workbench tier. Share types include: clan, team and friend.


BGrade By Ryan

This plugin can automatically upgrade building blocks upon placement. Allowing server donators to upgrade their building blocks with ease, preventing the needed use of the Hammer.


/bgrade t (seconds) - Change the players disable timer.
/bgrade 0 - Disable BGrade.
/bgrade 1 - Enable automatic Wood upgrades.
/bgrade 2 - Enable automatic Stone upgrades.
/bgrade 3 -- Enable automatic Metal upgrades.
/bgrade 4 -- Enable automatic Armoured upgrades.



Building Grades by Arainrr

Building Grades allows server supporters to easily upgrade or downgrade an entire building by one grade, relative to the current grade of each building block.



/up [grade] [filter] or /up [filter] -- Upgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade. e.g. /up , /up 2, /up 1 wall, /up wall

/down [grade] [filter] or /down [filter] -- Downgrade each block which is attached to the building you are looking at by one grade or to selected grade. e.g. /down, /down 1, /down 1 wall, /down wall

/up and /down: Upgrade/Downgrade an entire building (won't upgrade buildings that are close to eachother) (VERY fast even on big buildings) .

/upall and /downall: Upgrade/Downgrade everything that touches each other starting where you are looking at (will upgrade/downgrade multiple buildings if they are too close to each other) (might be slow for big buildings)



Twigs or 0
Wood or 1
Stone or 2
Metal or 3
Top Tier or 4


Default Filters



Furnace Levels by David

Furnace Levels allows players another form of progression by letting them upgrade their Furnaces, you can increase cooking speed, reserve fuel and even increase the amounts of resources output.


How Furnace Levels Work.

Players can simply access upgrade menu through button located next to furnace name, here for the price (server economy) marked you can upgrade the different aspects of your furnaces, including fuel usage, cooking speed and output levels.


Eternal Plants By 0x89A

A simple plugin that prevents planted/grown plants from dying, so you can go offline and then comeback later to your crops still being ready to harvest.

Survival Arena by imthenewguy

Survival Arena is a plugin that spawns a Battle-royal style game, where players must scavenge for equipment and fight to the death, all while staying inside of a shrinking, non-radiated zone. its fully automated spawning players who join into the game and then returning them to where they were with all their belongings when the game ends or they leave the arena.



/survival - Used to join the game when the lobby is active
/eventvote - SurvivalArena
/saleave - Leave the arena


Submersible Pumps by ThePitereq

Submersible Pump plugin will relieve the rivers on your server.
It allows players to place water pump with fresh water anywhere on map



You can build your farm anywhere on map.

You can place your pump on foundations. (but not too high (configurable))



/pump - Plugin help command.

/pump craft - Crafting submersible pump.


Horn Doors by Imthenewguy

This plugin will allow players to open and close garage doors by honking their vehicles horn.

If the door is locked, players must have authorization on the lock in order for the door to be opened. IE if the player does not have the code entered into a code lock, or did not place the keylock on the door they are attempting to open, it won't open.



togglehorn -  toggles the ability for the horn to open doors. Console and chat command.


Bradley Drops by ZEODE

Bradley Drops allows players  to call a Bradley APC to their location with a custom Supply Signal, where it will patrol a set distance for a set time, allowing players to fight it to win the valuable Bradley crates.

A cargo plane will deliver and drop the APC via parachutes. The plugin comes with 4 default settings for Bradley Drops, Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite, each with their own custom supply signal skin.



/bdbuy <type> Types available are Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite


Alternatively you can purchase these items in the server shop.


Building Skins by kaysharp



Automatic application of DLC skins for building blocks.

This is a simple plugin that allows players to use DLC skins without having to buy them.

After obtaining permission and activating the skin, the player will be able to build building blocks with the skin from the DLC. Use the /bskin command to switch modes.

To update the skin for existing building blocks, you need to activate the skin and hit the block with a hammer. The block will be updated with the selected skin.


To change the skin for all buildings using the /bskin build or /bskin all command, you need to select a skin mode. Depending on the mode you choose, the skin will be updated.


Dynamic Cupboard Share by k1lly0u

Dynamic Cupboard Share allows dynamic sharing of tool cupboard and auto turret authorization, and code locks on many entity types between clan members, team members or friends without the need for those users having to authorize them selves, or enter codes in code locks.
It also lets you optionally allow players to place locks on many types of entities that are not normally lockable.


Chat Commands
/share - Opens the share menu for the player running the command

Tool Cupboard Sharing
The tool cupboard sharing function gives everyone, who enters the cupboard range of a clan member / team member / friend, instant building rights, providing the owner of the tool cupboard has enabled the sharing functionality and also the owner itself is authorized on the tool cupboard. It provides also seamless traveling through clan member / team member / friend cupboard zones inside a base.

Disabling tool cupboard sharing will instantly remove all the temporarily shared members from the cupboards authorization list

Turret Sharing
Turret sharing works the same way as cupboards

Lock Sharing
The different types of lock sharing only allows for opening of said object. It does not add the clan member / team member / friend to the code lock white lists. With this, each players deployed code locks will stay secure and can’t be changed or removed by any other person then the owner himself.

Disabling lock sharing on a entity type or removal of a clan member / team member / friend will instantly prevent those members from accessing the lock


Clans by k1lly0u

Clans provides you with an extensive clan system, it offers the following functionality.
Players can create your own clans and invite your friends to the clan,  promote members to be moderators to manage the clan, set up alliances with other clans, Clans also works alongside Dynamic Cup Share plugin so you can automatically share locks, tc's and turrets etc. with clan members.


Chat Commands

/clanhelp - Displays help
/clan create <tag> - Create a new clan
/clan join <tag> - Join a clan if you have a invite


Clan Member Commands

/clan leave - Leave you current clan
/c <message> - Send a message to all clan members


Clan Moderator Commands

/clan invite <partialname> - Invite a player to join your clan
/clan invite cancel <partialname/ID> - Cancel a pending invite
/clan kick <partialname/ID> - Kick a player from your clan


Clan Owner Commands

/clan promote <partialname/ID> - Promote a clan member to clan moderator
/clan demote <partialname/ID> - Demote a clan moderator to clan member
/clan disband - Disband your clan


Clan Alliance Commands


/clan ally invite <tag> - Request an alliance with another clan
/clan ally withdraw <tag> - Revoke an alliance invitation with another clan
/clan ally accept <tag> - Accept an alliance invite
/clan ally reject <tag> - Decline a alliance request
/clan ally revoke <tag> - End a clan alliance
/a <message> - Send a message to all clan members and allied clans


Personal Farm by bmgjet



Allows you to place the normally limited outdoor farming items indoors, including large furnaces and Oil Refineries.


How To Use:
Holding a Large furnace or refinery, Look at the foundation or floor you wish to place it on.
Left click and it will place it even tho its showing as a red invalid placement.
Items must be minimum set spacing of 1.8f by default or this can be change by editing the config file.



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